What We Offer


Gaudium Verum offers two primary kinds of services:

  1. Professional execution of chant, sacred polyphony, and choral works at Masses and other Catholic Liturgies.
  2. Consultation and Education for parishes, schools and other institutions who wish to foster and develop the knowledge, appreciation, and technique associated with sacred music.

Here is what those services look like:

  1. Talks to the parish, choir members, school, or specific groups on:
    • History of Music used in Catholic Churches in America over the past 100 years.
    • What the Catholic Church says about Music in the liturgy (Magisterium, Vatican II, etc.)
    • Sacred Music as an artform (Why Chant, What is Polyphony – with examples and guided listening).
  2. Training for Pastors, Music Directors, Cantors, Music Teachers, or Choir members:
    • How to chant. (Reading of square notes/neumes, rhythmic/modal interpretation).
    • How to develop a choral sound/sing in a choir.
    • How to plan music for a liturgy based on Musicam Sacram (balancing congregational participation, vernacular vs. Latin, intentional steps towards the ideal sacred music for liturgy at your parish/school)
  3. Hire Gaudium Verum:
    • Large/Small Ensemble (16/8/4 singers), Cantor, Organist, etc.
    • Liturgical Music for Weddings, Funerals, Sunday Masses, Divine Office, Holy Hours, Special Feast Days, etc.
    • Support for your current Choir/Music Director/Music Teacher.
    • To fill in between music directors – or as a replacement for a full-time music director.
    • Gaudium Verum hires, vets, trains and coordinates musicians so you don’t have to bring them into Paycom or find them.


Prices are calculated based on the number of singers requested, the amount of rehearsals required to prepare the material, and a reduction if it is a recurring event or liturgy. We also strive to provide our educational services to parishes and schools who would like to provide exposure and training in sacred music to their parishioners or students but cannot afford the normal rates. Donations for this specific purpose are most welcome.

  • $250 is the normal rate to hire the director.
  • $175 per singer is the normal rate for an event if an additional rehearsal is required.
  • $200 is the normal rate for an organist.
  • $100 is the normal rate for an hour-long formation in history, chant, or choral technique for a parish or school. $75 for additional singers at the trainings.
  • If you are interested but would like to discuss pricing for your specific situation (or reductions for reoccurring events), please don’t hesitate to contact us.